2 asanas for the cough

Persistent cough, that sometimes may happen to some people without a diagnosable reason at all, and no medication seems to reliably do away with it ( although I strongly advise against chemical medications, if some things are taken, let it be medicinal foods and herbs, etc, and yet better realize what’s gone wrong with ones energy flows causing that and correct and improve them, end of parenthesis), сan be well treated with focused practice of just 2 asanas. These are: the Cobra pose- Bhudjangasana and Ardha Matsiendrasana.

Indeed, when properly performing Bhujangasana, the Telluric (the Earth, the upward) flow of energy is massively directed towards the chest and Anahata Chakra which controls the Lungs and the element of Air. It goes from the Earth and into the legs and into the arms and in the chest these flows meet. At the same time, the Cosmic Flow (downward flow having the Yang aspect, the aspect of consciousness ) goes into Sahasrara and reaches the area of the heart, the Anahata, with its cleaning, consciousness- clarifying effect, the feeling of Presence.
