For those who are “not in the know” - a statement or assumption alone, about the existence of some kind of “non-material beings” - is already something crazy. Therefore, for such, at first I will make some kind of theoretical justification.
For starters, something that borders on psychology, but something that “psychologists-materialists” prefer, as a rule, not to notice. Have you ever observed how categories such as narcissists, people with borderline personality disorder, perhaps people with other personality disorders, that is, those not trying to control their mental sphere, so to speak, give out something in common in a short time period. That is, it happened that one narcissist said something on a certain topic, and quite quickly after that, another narcissist may talk on the same random (not situational) topic, or repeat the phrase exactly (usually it is something to resonate negatively with the one to whom he says this). It even happens that a phrase, its vocabulary is uncharacteristic for a “repeating” narcissist. That is, not only an impression is created, but also, one might say, a logical explanation seems to be that they are controlled by something in common, something that puts words into them, the content and emotional message of this is aimed at inducing doubt, fear, indignation and other negative emotions.
Such observations, thanks to the Internet, are no longer isolated episodes in the records of homegrown psychologists, which, observing from the outside, could be written off as coincidences. People who have experience with narcissists exchange information on in the Internet, on YouTube, share their observations, and, evidently, this phenomenon exists.
One famous Russian psychologist (approximately)
“It seems that they are executing a program that they are not aware of…”
On the other hand, for people with a purely materialistic view of the world, I can recommend the work and video of the American physicist Tom Campbell, with his Theory of Everything. The actual and in the traditional sense the scientific basis of Tom Campbell's ideas are experiments in quantum physics, such as the 2-slit experiment, and then logic is used. The most modern and organic explanation for the results of such experiments is that consciousness is outside this material world, and that this world is in a certain sense virtual, a simulation in which consciousness has experience, primarily controlling the body. Naturally, if there are units of consciousness, IOC-s, individualized units of consciousness, as Tom Campbell calls them (what is traditionally called the Soul), which are, so to speak, attached to the body (although this is again a matter of perception), and there are those, which, in fact, without a body ... There are units of different levels of development, such that the experience and body of animals suits them, and there are those that suit the experience and body of people for development. And, there are probably bots - that is, Non-Player characters, NPCs, not under the control of any "player" - soul. Probably, they (that is, such bodies) are ruled by the Mind - the primary reflective mind, Manas, the “mental monkey”, as the Buddhists say, but it turns out that various entities can connect to such a mind and control it. Note that ordinary people can also fall under the control of entities (which describes the expression “the demon has beguiled”), but ordinary people realize that they have been beguiled, and realizing, they strive to get rid of such a harmful influence.
By the way, Tom Campbell has also been dealing with the subtle world for a long time practically, perceiving it with consciousness. He doesn't call it "out-of-body" (since consciousness is not in the body, it's just tuned in to receive "data flow" as he puts it, through the body). So, back in the 60s at the Institute of Robert Monroe, who taught Tom (taught again, because he succeeded in it as a child) to tune his consciousness to other planes of reality and travel there, an experiment was a success, during which Tom and his partner were with their physical bodies in separate isolated rooms, and Robert listened to them through microphones and recorded their mumbling on two tape recorders while they were “in the astral plane” with their consciousness. Tom and his partner turned out to be with their consciousness in one place of the astral world, they talked with each other and with some astral beings there, while their physical bodies could not hear each other. All this was recorded on 2 tapes and when they were played simultaneously, a whole cohesive dialogue was obtained, as well as conversations with astral beings.
Based on this experiment, Tom had already begun to take these studies seriously and concluded that there was a psychic world, real and objective, but existing without gross physical matter.
So, that was a theoretical background for a concerned reader to consider existance of such things, while for practitioners such things are a practical phenomenon. In some schools of Western magic (meaning the sephirotic tradition) there is a gradation of skills, in which at the first, initial stage there is the ability to feel energy (although this doing also has its own levels), then, it is the feeling or recognition in someone that comes quite close. this or that entity. We are talking not only about “bad guys”, but in general, as it is believed, for example, in shamanism, that everything has a Soul. The soul of a forest, the soul of some city, etc.
Why did we start this topic at all and put it on the first page, put it among the topics from which development should be started? Negative entities impede growth, progress along the path of evolution, and this should be taken into account. When you better understand what's going on, you can better deal with it.
Primitive entities, in some circles they are called “larvae”, can act on one or another chakra, provoking actions, bad habits, bad emotions, leading to deviation from the path, to repeated negative scenarios, etc. In Christianity there is a term "demon". The New Testament describes how Jesus cast out demons and describes some of their properties, for example, that there can be several of them in one person, and that they “came out” of a person, that they were different in, so to speak, virulence, “and brings other demons, worse.” And here are Christian expressions that unequivocally point to one or another chakra: the demon of gluttony (3rd chakra), the demon of adultery (2nd chakra), the demon of pride (4th chakra). In short, they interfere.
Demons - let's designate these entities more complicated and more cunning. In my opinion, they seek to lead astray already strategically, including, sometimes, actions through controlling someone in the environment of the person, or someone in the environment and the person himself.
But you don't get spooked. Actually, even so: a little humor even helps to get rid of them, because it raises vibrations. Treat it with knowledge of the topic and with a little humor. Think of it like this: on the one hand, they are scavengers - they react to dark energies, the energies of shame, fear, hatred, confusion, self-pity, etc. They need it, at first the person himself generated such energy, and they first come to feed on it, and then they can create habits and scenarios to continue and develop the generation of such energy. Both in the cases of simple or tricky, it's learning. It shows you your shortcomings.
The energy of Love, light, stops them and can even gradually or immediately get rid of them without special procedures. The energy of love and light stops them and a person frees himself.