Direct Teaching by the world

The World teaches us directly. There is, of course, benefit in retreats and Gurus, but The World keeps teaching us, if we only keep the eyes open to its lessons. That, in itself, is a major understanding to be able to move forward. Syncronicities, the coincidences happen, and various events that may seem unrelated to a non-seeker, may actually be an elaborate mosaic of teaching pearls. Be wary, however, of the machinations of the dark side. Besides, keep in mind, the Ying-Yang relationships is one of the Major ingredients in that teaching game of Life.

But, be careful not to give in to mere lust, such energy is destructive. To a common eye it is not perceptible in a short time period.

There has to be a yin-yang at a higher level, it's a chemistry of souls, then it's beneficial. There is exchange of subtle energies on a higher level, that are not physical, and there is something new, some new quality of soul synthesized or opened in Lovers that they did not have, that enriches them on the level of the soul. In the Bon religion of Tibet, for example, they warn that the faster the passion flares up, the less this relationship will last, and of a lower nature it is. And, it is recommended those who think they are in love, to observe each him/herself, for at least a full lunar month, to observe the thin energies and development of the feelings, before considering moving on to the physical.

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