I would add that the Man posesses the reasoning precisely to be able to channel the animal origin, the energies by into a controlled path, and utilize the energies as the power source for tasks related to higher chakras and planes of existence.
The Educational System.
The world keeps teaching us… Sometimes you feel it more than at other times… That it is a teaching system.
It is The teaching system.
It brings to you what you need most, but not in that egoistic sense (although for some, it does that for some time, just to get them hooked, later to show them who they were, I guess…).
The System rather takes care of his soul.
It is especially observable once a person is out of manipulative eggregors. Well, while he or she is under those manipulative eggregors, it still takes care about his/her soul, of course, it’s just, the distracting offerings of the eggregors are, most times, Sometimes it can create circumstances that nudge or even force one who used to be proud to become humble, to not blame external circumstances but find causes in internal qualities and work on them, and those sorts of things.
Fortune Favours the Brave.
Obviously. Just let’s get a clearer understanding of what is to Favour in this context and what it means to be brave….
Favour may not always mean just giving you what you want, although sometimes it’s that. I reckon, broadly, what it means is it’s taking you forward in your journey, and the itinerary is quite individual. Being brave does not necessarily mean crushing enemies, although, for those studying somewhere on the level of lower 3rd chakra, it could mean something of that kind, while for the ones transitioning from 3rd to the 4th it could be, on the contrary, avoiding the fight (but with keeping oneself, nonetheless), which they already can do, BUT transforming the conflict into something constructive (if it can be transformed, indeed), learning to communicate in complex circumstances, or, perhaps open the eyes to one’s own error.
So, being brave, I think, is, rather being eager and ready to take another lesson.
Ready the student, enter the teacher. And the teacher may come in a totally unassuming form, perhaps unpleasant, you could not tell.
BUT what else would touch on that quality of yours that you've been hiding even from yourself !
As you may guess, going to a nice Retreat, Ha-Tha Yoga, energy practices, meditations, all the nice things, fresh juices, the talks about spiritual things, etc. all these sound and feel better, they are more attractive… for the mind.
But, in the case of teaching by the world, that unpleasant thing or someone on your way could be the direct finger of God pointing to give you a lesson and see how you tackle it.
Upon dying, This is seen especially clearly, and, some might say, this is the 21 Arcanum, the power or the function that carries the soul, or I’d rather say, the perception as a Spirit, into the realm of … what is the terminology ..? Into another realm, from where it may be directed to go for reincarnation again…
In that transition through the 21 Arcanum, The casualties that led to the events, your qualities that required pointing at them, just what you were given, all becomes so evident, so magickal, so clear that it was precisely God’s hand. One cannot underestimate practicing the 21st Arcanum beforehand prior to death, instead of death, and just for the sake of its own and better knowing the system.
Keep to your Principles- That, also falls to the same category…
What is Luck? Let's define it as a coincidence bringing opportunities…
Why does it occur ? Of course, it may be that a person is on a dark path, and dark forces seduce and lead astray with gifts, that a person is receiving a lesson of that kind…
But we want to focus more on the other type of luck: it’s when a person performs what is right, becomes what is right for him/her, and that unlocks another path, another Level.
Take a look at the card of the 10th Arcanum:
There is a serpent going down to the left of the wheel, symbolising someone with un-true, false, treacherous features.
There’s Hermanubis to the right of the wheel, going up, symbolising someone with diligence and aspiration. And Hermanubis, as you might know, is a seeker of truth.
The Sphinx, symbolically, on top of the wheel, symbolises the 4 Magickal virtues:
Discernment: symbolised with the sword he holds: something that separates one thing from another, that defines one from another, hence the proper action can be taken…
Your Reality is an individual reality, remember? The concept of individual reality has been explored, to name a few, by the writer Richard Bach, the programmer and researcher of reality and consciousness Steve Pavlina...
Yes, material things that you touch are the same things that others can touch, and your material body collides with other bodies, they are in one world and they don’t interfere (except such things as exchange of liquids :) . Why not dilute such a serious narrative with a few jokes ?
But on some other level, you do live in an Individual Reality, all do.
Your thoughts, your emotions, your understanding of the world and life are individual- that’s clear; but going beyond that, think about such facts that different people have different luck in various areas of life.
Regarding the past events- what was that, that happened ? Were you in place A, doing x and y, and you learned this and that, or, wait a minute.. there was another thing that you were doing, perhaps simultaneously, which can belong to the same or a different domain, or multiple domains, and the results of that working are still being cooked by your conscious or subconscious … so i’t not finished yet, it’s ever changing… That’s why by speaking out unnecessarily about your past, especially if you believe in that limited, truncated version of the infinite happening that you might say, could limit what’s really going on, diverge your path on some distance, away from your fuller, infinite potential.
Jesus was telling nearly zero about his past. His approach: this is I and this is what I do. This is who I am, and there's no talking about the past. Only on very few occasions does he talk about the past, like "..and Moises has seen my day".
Regarding your Future- that is yet even more sensitive, because it has not come yet. Hence a wise advice in many cultures, if not all, "keep your plans secret", "never cackle till your egg is laid".
Many people have probably wondered why there are such proverbs, such omens, and whether it is really so, whether there is such a pattern in this reality, what is the mechanism influencing in such cases. My theory on this matter:
You are sharing your not yet formed reality with.... another reality which may not be compatible with it.
Regarding the Present time- what is it going on?
Largely it is the same as with the future. One of the aporias (unsolvable problems) of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno was formulated as follows: "A man leaves city A and goes to city B. His motion can be represented as moving first half way, then half of the remaining half , then half of the remaining quarter and so on, hence his position can be represented as = 1/2 +1/4 +1/8 +1/16... of the total distance. But mathematically the sum of such fractions will never get to 1, so it turns out he will never get to B? What is the error? What is the imperfection of our understanding? After all, mathematically it is so." The answer to this conundrum is that motion is not an object being at one moment in one place and at another moment in another place; motion is an object being at one moment in one place and at the same time NOT being in it. That is,
it is so AND not so.
Keep to your principles. And do change and improve them, from time to time.
Be precise in your words, and do your best to keep to them... even if due to circumstances you choose to make them intentionally equivocal :).
See you soon - "Maybe" . With a meaning, to yourself that you prefer it to happen or otherwise, and, of course, with the component of meaning that it is also up to the higher power. There is a good sayig that Muslims have "Insha Allah".
Nice to have met you (or sorry to hear that) - " You’re saying so because of your instructions" (depending on the situation, of course).